Point of Sale Apps 3210 Apps found. category: Point of Sale ×

This module is used to give complementy items to the customer on purchase of specific quantity of some product.Complimentary|complimentary Items|Custom Complimentary|Customer Complimentary

POS Complimentary Items
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Configure on each pos.config a single user allowed to start it

POS Config Single User

Cost of Sales computation on each order Cost of Goods Sold in orders analysis.

POS Cost of Sales
Ewetoye Ibrahim

Counter wise Bill print in POS

POS Counter Bill
iPredict IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

pos counter wise receipt pos counter bill pos counter wise bill point of sale counter receipts pos counter wise billing pos counter billing point of sale counter wise bill separate bill for pos counter separate bill for counter point of sale counter bills

POS Counter Receipts

Print Ticket counter Wise with main Ticket

POS Counter Ticket
13A InfoTech

Allows to use discount coupons in pos orders. Integrate coupon mechanism in pos orders. POS POS coupon POS promotion POS discount sale coupon promotion coupon sale product product promotion discount sales discount product discount sales order discount manufacturing retailer retail store promo code promotion code coupon code customer customer discount Reward shipping free shipping fix price discount percentage discount promotion validity minimum purchase purchase shoppers Free product Free item free coupon code validity POS Promotional programm All in one all in one coupon all in one promo code special offer festival christmas redemption claim expire redeem sale promotion pos receipt POS Promotional programm All in one all in one coupon all in one promo code company logo POS reciept POS session POS logo on session POS logo on receipt POS receipt company logo POS receipt company address POS session company logo POS session company address Point of sale company logo point of sale receipt company logo point of sale receipt logo point of sale receipt address point of sale session logo

POS Coupon & Promotions-CE
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

POS Promotional Coupon & Promotional Program

POS Coupons

Allows to use discount coupons and promotions in pos orders

POS Coupons & Promotions
Aurayan Consulting Services

Allows to use discount coupons and promotions in pos orders

POS Coupons & Promotions
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows you to create Account Invoice from point of sale.

POS Create Account Invoice

Create Purchase Order & Expense from Point Of Sale. Allow user to create Purchase Order & Expense from Point Of Sale.

POS Create Purchase Order and Expense
MadeUp Infotech

Create sales order/quotation with signature from Point of Sale.

POS Create SO Signature (Community)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

POS Create Sale Order

POS Create Sale Order
TL Technology

This module will allows the POS user to create Sales order from POS based on the POS configuration along with Customer Signature

POS Create Sale Order - Create sales order with signature from Point of Sale

POS Create Sales Order, POS Sales Order, Create Sales Order, Sales , POS Sales, POS Create Quotation, POS Order Sales,POS Sales Order

POS Create Sales Order
Khaled Hassan

Allow Create/Edit POS Order from backend

POS Create/Edit backend order

Odoo POS Import Sales Order, Odoo POS Import Sales Quotation, Odoo POS Import Sale Order, Odoo POS Import Sale Quotation, Odoo POS Sales Order Import, Odoo POS Sales Quotation Import, Odoo POS Sale Order Import, Odoo POS Sale Quotation Import, Odoo Import Sales Order, Odoo Import Sales Quotation, Odoo Import Sale Order, Odoo Import Sale Quotation, Odoo Sales Order Import, Odoo Sales Quotation Import, Odoo Sale Order Import, Odoo Sale Quotation Import, Odoo POS Create Sales Order, Odoo POS Create Sales Quotation, Odoo POS Create Sale Order, Odoo POS Create Sale Quotation, Odoo POS Sales Order Create, Odoo POS Sales Quotation Create, Odoo POS Sale Order Create, Odoo POS Sale Quotation Create, Odoo Create Sales Order, Odoo Create Sales Quotation, Odoo Create Sale Order, Odoo Create Sale Quotation, Odoo Sales Order Create, Odoo Sales Quotation Create, Odoo Sale Order Create, Odoo Sale Quotation Create, Odoo POS Update Sales Order, Odoo POS Update Sales Quotation, Odoo POS Update Sale Order, Odoo POS Update Sale Quotation, Odoo POS Sales Order Update, Odoo POS Sales Quotation Update, Odoo POS Sale Order Update, Odoo POS Sale Quotation Update, Odoo Update Sales Order, Odoo Update Sales Quotation, Odoo Update Sale Order, Odoo Update Sale Quotation, Odoo Sales Order Update, Odoo Sales Quotation Update, Odoo Sale Order Update, Odoo Sale Quotation Update

POS Create/Update Sales Quotation
POS Credit Sale
Albin John

POS Credit Sale Restriction, pos payment method restriction,POS Payment Methods Access, pos credit sales access,POS Payment Methods restriction,POS Payment Method allow,allow POS Payment Method access,POS customer Payment Method restriction,POS customer Payment Method access,POS customer credit Payment Method access,Restrict pos payment acquirers restricting payment methods on pos fix payment method point of sale safe payment options pos payment restriction on point of sales restrict payment method on pos user wise payment acquirers restricted pos payment method,In odoo any user can see payment methods which have rights of POS, using our app the user can only see the payment methods which are allocated to them.

POS Credit Sale Restriction
Khaled Hassan